After the unusually wet and cold Summer, we have found ourselves in tropical temperatures just as the children returned to schools. Our gardens have been looking confused by the weather and many plants have suffered whilst others have thrived. Global warming is an ongoing issue and it has been widely spoken about for a while, however this summer we have absolutely seen the evidence of this phenomenon.
But let’s be positive! September is a great month for new beginnings and we encourage all gardeners to sit down in their gardens, grab a notepad and a pencil and spend sometime planning, drawing, pondering and imagining what they’d like to do in their gardens next year. Perhaps you’ve spotted a gap in your borders or a plant that looks out of place. Now is the time to plan these changes.
For some of us, the upcoming autumn months give us an opportunity to have a good tidy up and “put the garden to bed” for winter, but please remember that some plants should not be deadheaded until next Spring; such as Hydrangeas. Some gardeners like the look of the large brown heads but some of us are itching to cut those off – try to resist the urge! The spent flowers protect the new forming buds below from frost over winter but also, the large heads provide a perfect place for many species of insects to hibernate over winter.

When it comes to enjoying some long lasting colour, salvias are great plants with a long flowering period – they start flowering in Spring and continue to flower well into autumn. We stock a lot of varieties, such as ‘Amethyst Lips’ or the very popular ‘Hot Lips’. Salvia ‘Nachtvlinder’, as pictured, is a 75cm tall plant with velvety dark maroon flowers and a beautiful scent. We can’t help ourselves but brush our hands across its foliage to release the typical sage smell. Salvias are excellent pollinators and they never disappoint.
For now, let’s enjoy this lovely sunshine, whilst it lasts as well as the summer colours as they begin to fade into autumnal ambiance of yellows, oranges, reds and browns.
Liam, Ylva & The Madrona Nursery Team
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.